In many third world countries to combat desertification, famine, the repeated wars or guerrilla wars forgotten, produce, among other things, lack or insufficient health care each year, with hundreds of thousands of deaths.

In all these countries, large and small international aid organisations play an important role, trying to alleviate the suffering of these people, with thousands of volunteers who, for this purpose, dedicate their profession and their time.

I know. SAN Since its inception focused its activity on developing countries with compelling needs for health support, thanks to numerous Italian doctors Lions members who have become available for missions in distant countries such as Haiti, Ecuador, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Malawi, Madagascar, Afghanistan, India, Togo, Cameroon, Uganda. Missions are currently underway in morocco, Moldova and Albania, with periodic interventions.

Unfortunately, many of these countries are now considered at risk for the high degree of political instability and the viable areas with a reasonable risk are somewhat reduced. However, even within seemingly developed countries, pockets of poverty may remain where the action of the SO. San. It can be valuable: an indigent is always an individual worthy of help wherever it is.

The aim of the interventions of our doctors concerns:

  • Completely free diagnostic, curative and surgical activities for the destitute
  • Supporting missions from other Lions facilities that need health support
  • The training of local health staff, medical and paramedical, to allow the evolution of those communities through the learning of new operating techniques and care becoming as possible self-sufficient from the point of view of health.